You have more abilities to use, but less choices to make. Let’s stop trying to talk like it’s objective, please for the love of god Knowing how to trade damage or get a hit in with out taking damage is a skill. The skill cap was raised when potions got a cooldown. It’s also really easy to make argument that the skill ceiling increased when the weapon abilities doubled, you have twice as many tools to use correctly now but you also have twice as many things you need to look out for.
You also say that we have less “tactical” options however we have the second flurry of abilities to unleash which sort of would imply the opposite. The food/potions isn’t stagger related, that was just a change I think wasn’t good still. That’s still subjectively it’s not objective. Not to mention the removal of global cooldowns has allowed people to just swap weapons mid fight and unleash another flurry of abilities (like the aforementioned hatchet’s “ha ha, can’t kill me!”) instead of having to actually think about when to use them. Nor can we really stop people, great axe aside, from just breaking off combat to eat food to heal.Ĭombat is objectively worse now because the number of tactical options have decreased and the skill ceiling has been lowered. And by removing stagger and it’s related systems, we now have little resource to stop healers or channeled attack spells.